Crime, Sovereignty, and the State: On the Metaphysics of Global Dis/Order

John Comaroff (Harvard U)

Biographical Note

Prof. John Comaroff (Harvard University, USA)
John Comaroff is professor of African and African-American Studies and Anthropology, and Oppenheimer Research Scholar, at Harvard University. He is widely recognised for his studies of African and African-American society, and — together with his wife, anthropologist Jean Comaroff — for his research on colonialism and post-colonialism in Southern Africa as well as for his work on anthropological theories of African cultures relevant for the understanding of global society. His authored and edited books include, with Jean Comaroff, Of Revelation and Revolution (2 vols), Ethnography and the Historical Imagination, Modernity and its Malcontents, Civil Society and the Political Imagination in Africa, Millennial Capitalism and the Culture of Neoliberalism, Law and Disorder in the Postcolony, Ethnicity, Inc., Zombies et Frontières A l‘Ere Néolibérale, and Theory from the South: or, how Euro-America is evolving toward Africa. His current research in South Africa is on crime, policing, and the workings of the state, on democracy and difference, and on postcolonial politics.

Please note that this session of the colloquium takes place as an exception in the Hörsaalgebäude at Leipzig U, Hörsaal 12.