Biotechnology is the engine behind the development of a new
discipline which will fundamentally change the currently applied
forms of medicine and health service that we know today.
Technological advances and global social trends are currently
preparing the way for the creation of regenerative medicine. Our
group is concentrating on various aspects of regenerative
medicine. Regenerative medicine integrates a comprehensive
technological area which includes stem cell biology, i.e.
“living” materials, tissue engineering, nanotechnology and
functional genome analysis. The roots of this new field lie in
medical technology and functional genome analysis. This field
will directly promote the classical “anorganic” forms of organ
replacement and transplantation medicine towards replacement
with autologous cell systems.
Regenerative medicine deals with the three aspects which are the
most important for mankind and intends to develop fundamentally
new responses. The three areas are: trauma, ageing and illness.
There are five factors which currently combine to favour the
creation of regenerative medicine as a new medical –
biotechnological discipline:
The increasing share of older people in the
population as a whole in industrial countries. |
The growing use of human proteins as
medicines. |
The booming material sciences, such as nano
technology which will also influence biotechnology and
regenerative medicine. |
The current advances in stem cell biology and
in tissue engineering. |
The use of bio-degradable materials for
regenerative purposes. |
The development of a systems biotechnological approach enabling
a bridge between basic research and technological and clinical
disciplines, will increasingly gain in importance and are the
only key to advances that are goal-orientated and measured by
therapeutical succes. The link between technological know-how
and clinical know-why will then be within grasp.