Workshop on Theoretical Morphology 5 / 6th Network Meeting
Date and venue:June 25-26 2010 in Lutherstadt Wittenberg (Germany).
Meeting description
Call for papers
Travel informatiom
Meeting description
The Workshop on Theoretical Morphology (WOTM) seeks to provide a platform for researchers from different frameworks such as
Paradigm Function Morphology, Distributed Morphology, Minimalist Morphology, and Optimality Theory with a focus on theoretical
and formal aspects of morphology. WOTM 5 and the 6th meeting of the Network Core Mechanisms of Exponence
will be organized as one joint event on June 25+26, 2010 in Lutherstadt Wittenberg (Germany). For specific network presentations there will be an overarching topic
("Non-standard approaches to exponence"), but this is in no way obligatory for other speakers. All presentations and events are open to the public.
Invited Speakers:
- Gilles Boyé (Université de Bordeaux & CLLE)
- Chris Golston (California State University, Fresno)
- Daniel Harbour (Queen Mary University of London)
- Sharon Inkelas (University of California, Berkeley )
- Ian Roberts (University of Cambridge)
- Barbara Stiebels (ZAS Berlin)
Call for papers
Deadline for Abstracts: April 29
Notification of Acceptance: May 7
Abstract Submission:
- We invite abstracts for thirty-minute talks on any aspect of Theoretical Morphology (20 min for presentation + 10 min for discussion).
- Abstracts must be at most one page long with an optional second page for data and references.
- Abstracts must be anonymous.
- The abstract should be sent as a pdf attachment to:
Doreen Georgi
Thursday, June 24
Get together at Alte Canzley (menu)
Friday, June 25
Saturday, June 26
09:00 - 09:15
09:15 - 10:00
Daniel Harbour
(Queen Mary University of London)
Discontinuous linearization
Barbara Stiebels
(ZAS Berlin)
Reevaluating position classes
10:00 - 10:30
Johannes Hein & Stefan Keine
(University of Leipzig)
On the Geometry of Marker Inventories
Eric Fuß & Carola Trips
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
The Northern Subject Rule
10:30 - 11:00
*Coffee Break*
11:00 - 11:30
Roberta D'Alessandro & Marc van Oostendorp
(Leiden University/Meertens Institute Amsterdam)
Vocative morphology at the syntax-phonology Interface
Joost Kremers
(Univertity of Göttingen)
Bare Phrase Structure and DM
11:30 - 12:00
Jochen Trommer & Eva Zimmermann
(University of Leipzig)
Generalized Mora Affixation
Doreen Georgi
(University of Leipzig)
Chameleon Probes in Mordvin
12:00 - 12:30
Dieter Wunderlich
(ZAS Berlin)
Degenerated paradigms - radically underspecified exponences
Thomas Wier
(University of Chicago/MPI EVA Leipzig)
'Trinsicity' In Rule Ordering and Georgian Agreement
12:30 - 14:00
*Lunch Break* |
14:00 - 14:45
Chris Golston
(California State University)
Prosody as Morpheme Compression
Olivier Bonami & Gilles Boyé
(Université Paris-Sorbonne & LLF, Université de Bordeaux & CLLE)
Opaque Paradigms, Transparent Forms in Nepali Conjugation
14:45 - 15:15
Andreas Opitz
(University of Leipzig)
The Processing of Morphological Features: ERP-Evidence for Underspecification
Thematic groups
15:15 - 15:45
Sandhya Sundaresan
(CASTL Tromsø)
PRO and anaphors are syntactically conditioned allomorphs
15:45 - 16:15
*Coffee Break*
16:15- 16:45
Renate Raffelsiefen
(IDS Mannheim)
Affixes versus affixoids in German
Jochen Trommer
(University of Leipzig)
Paradigmatic Generalization of Morphemes
16:45 - 17:30
Sharon Inkelas
(University of California, Berkeley)
Optimal Construction Morphology: A Cyclic approach
Ian Roberts
(University of Cambridge)
Blank generation
18:00 - 19:00
guided tour through Wittenberg
conference dinner at Il Castello
The conference room is equipped with a beamer for presenting slides. Please ensure that your presentation is in pdf format.
Speakers should prepare 35 handouts.
WOTM 5 and the network meeting take place at the conference center "Leucorea", Collegienstraße 62, Lutherstadt Wittenberg.
A map can be found here.
Some hotels and hostels close to the conference venue (location of the hotels):
Travel information
Lutherstadt Wittenberg is a town in the German Bundesland Saxony-Anhalt, in the middle between Leipzig and Berlin (map).
There are direct train connections from Berlin and Leipzig main station (at least) once per hour. Depending on the train you take it takes between 30 minutes and 90 minutes from both Berlin and Leipzig and it costs between 11,50€ and 19€ (the faster the train the more expensive the ticket).
You can look up the exact departure times on the homepage of the German railway company
(fill in Start = Leipzig Hbf./Berlin Hbf., Destination = Lutherstadt Wittenberg).
The conference venue "Leucorea" is located in the historical city center of Wittenberg. It's a 10-minutes walk from Wittenberg station to the Leucorea (see the map under "Venue").
- Anke Assmann
- Sebastian Bank
- Petr Biskup
- Ingmar Brilmayer
- Doreen Georgi
- Jakob Hamann
- Fabian Heck
- Daniela Henze
- Stefan Keine
- Larissa Kröhnert
- Gereon Müller
- Patrick Schulz
- Jochen Trommer
- Philipp Weisser
- Eva Zimmermann