DFG Research Unit 2857

Copper Iodide as Multifunctional Semiconductor

P05: Electrical Properties of CuI Thin Films and Bulk Material and Fabrication of CuI-Based Devices

Dr. habil. Holger von Wenckstern

Within this project, strategies for fabricating ohmic as well as rectifying contacts to amorphous and crystalline CuI-based thin films and bulk material will be developed. With that, low field transport properties and properties of shallow as well as deeper defect states will be characterized. Doping limits will be determined for various substitutional acceptor elements and the potential of CuI as transparent pconducting electrode material will be evaluated. Semiconducting layers will be used to fabricate Schottky barrier diodes and pn-heterojunctions. Further, these diodes will be implemented as gate electrode within field-effect transistors.