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Kittner H., Franke H., Fischer W., Schultheis, N., Krugel, U., Illes, P. Stimulation of P2Y(1) Receptors Causes Anxiolytic-like Effects in the Rat Elevated Plus-maze: Implications for the Involvement of P2Y(1) Receptor-Mediated Nitric Oxide Production. Neuropsychopharmacology 2003 Mar;28(3):435-444

Krugel, U., Kittner, H., Fanke, H., Illes, P. Purinergic modulation of neuronal activity in the mesolimbic dopaminergic system in vivo. Synapse 47:134-142 (2003)

Franke, H., Krugel, U.,  Grosche, J., Illes, P. Immunoreactivity for glial fibrillary acidic protein and P2 receptor expression on astrocytes in vivo. Drug Devel. Res. 59: 175-189 (2003)

Krugel, U., Seidel, B., Spies, O., Kittner, H., Illes, P., Kiess, W. Chronic food restriction alters purinergic receptor mRNA expression in the nucleus accumbens of the rat. Drug Devel. Res. 59(1) 95-103 (2003)

Krugel, U., Schraft, T., Kittner, H., Kiess, W., Illes, P. Basal and feeding-evoked dopamine release in the rat nucleus accumbens is depressed by leptin. Eur. J. Pharmacol 482 (1-3) 185-187, 2003

Kittner, H., Krugel, U., Hoffmann, E., Illes, P. Modulation of feeding behaviour by blocking of purinergic receptors in the rat nucleus accumbens: a combined microdialysis, electroencephalographic and behavioural study. Eur J Neurosci. 19(2), 396-404, 2004

Kittner, H., Hoffmann, E., Krugel, U., Illes, P. P2 receptor-mediated effects on the open field behaviour of rats in comparison with behavioural responses induced by the stimulation of dopamine D2-like and by the blockade of ionotrophic glutamate receptors. Behav. Brain Res., 149(2) 197-208, 2004

Krugel, U. Schraft, T., Regenthal, R., Illes, P., Kittner, H. Purinergic modulation of extracellular glutamate levels in the nucleus accumbens in vivo. Intern J. Dev. Neurosci. 22/7,565-570, 2004

Franke, H, Krugel, U., Grosche, J., Heine, C., Härtig,W:, Allgaier, C., Illes, P. P2Y receptor expression on astrocytes in the nucleus accumbens of rats. Neuroscience, 127(2):431-41, 2004

K. Eger, M. Hermes, K. Uhlemann, S. Rodewald, J. Ortwein, M. Brulport, A.W. Bauer, W. Schormann, F. Lupatsch, I.B. Schiffer, C.K. Heimerdinger, S. Gebhard, C. Spangenberg, D. Prawitt, T. Trost, B. Zabel, C. Sauer, B. Tanner, H. Kolbl, U. Krugel, H. Franke, P. Illes, P. Madaj-Sterba, E.O. Bockamp, T. Beckers, J.G. Hengstler, 4-Epidoxycycline: an alternative to doxycycline to control gene expression in conditional mouse models, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 323 (2004) 979–986

Krugel, U., Spies, O., Regenthal, R., Illes, I., Kittner, H:. P2 receptors are involved in the mediation of motivation-related behavior. Purinergic Signalling 1 (in press), 2004