ENIUGH is registered as an association under German law (Vereinsrecht). Its headquarters, taking care of membership registration, financial matters and the organization of congresses and other events, is located in Leipzig and can be reached by e-mail under these addresses:

finance(at)eniugh.org – for all matters related to membership fees
headquarters(at)eniugh.org – for all other matters

The headquarters currently consists of:

  • Katja Castryck-Naumann, GWZO, Leipzig (Germany)
  • Steffi Marung, Leipzig University (Germany)
  • Matthias Middell, Leipzig University (Germany)
  • Katrin Köster, Leipzig University (Germany)
  • Holger Weiss, President of the Steering Committee, Åbo Akademi University, Turku (Finland)
  • Markéta Krížová, Vice-President of the Steering Committee, Charles University Prague (Czech Republic)
  • Eric Vanhaute, Vice-President of the Steering Committee, Ghent University (Belgium)

Its postal address is:
c/o Leipzig University
Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe)
IPF 348001
04081 Leipzig
