Transnational Approaches to the History of Socialism before World War One

EUROSOC Normandie (U Rouen-Normandie) & SFB 1199 (Leipzig U)

This workshop is part of a cycle of scientific meetings dedicated to the “transnational” manifestations of socialism: circulation of texts, ideas and socialist actors between different countries, cross-border work, transnational movements, socialist opinions and acting during the wars – anything that in any way goes beyond, or even erases, borders.

The workshop will begin with an introductory lecture on some general questions about the workers’ struggle, understood as a struggle in a national framework that basically aspires to become a global struggle. Then the first panel gives the opportunity to follow the work of individual actors, who relate the socialism of different countries, through their trajectories (Kròlikowski and De Paepe) or by their writings (this is the case of Labriola). The second day of the meeting focuses on these groups of men who contribute to the implantation of socialist ideas in other countries, like the European migrants in Argentina, or who open transnational debates, like the debate of the international social democracy about the European colonial expansion.

Each participant has max. 25 minutes for presentation followed by a discussion of the individual papers of about 20 minutes. Finally, there will be a concluding comparative discussion for each of the two panels.


6 December 2018, 2:00 pm – 6:30 pm
2:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Jean-Numa Ducange (U Rouen-Normandie, France), L’horizon transnational du socialisme

Introductory Lecture
2:30 pm – 3:15 pm
Emmanuel Jousse (Centre d’Histoire de Sciences Po, Paris, France), Réflexions sur l’histoire transnationale du socialisme à partir d’une approche biographique. Le cas de César De Paepe (1841-1890)

3:15 pm – 3:30 pm Coffee break

First Panel: Individual Trajectories and Actors of Transnationalism
President: Elisa Marcobelli (U Rouen-Normandie, France)

3:30 pm – 4:15 pm
Piotr Kuligowski (U Poznan, Poland), Early Communism in a Transnational Perspective: The Case of Ludwik Królikowski’s Political Ideas in the 1840s and 1850s

4:15 pm – 5:00 pm
Jean-Paul Tam (Diplomat, Cameroon), Comprendre le transnationalisme sous le prisme du socialisme-marxiste avant 1914

5:00 pm – 5:45 pm
Marco Vanzulli (U Milan, Italy), Le marxisme de Labriola face au révisionnisme de la IIe Internationale et la question de son adhésion à l’expansion coloniale italienne

5:45 pm – 6:30 pm
Concluding discussion for the first panel

7 December 2018, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Second Panel: Socialism and Borders
President: Steffi Marung (Leipzig U)

9:00 am – 9:45 am
Wiktor Marzec (HSE Petersburg, Russia) and Risto Turunen (U Tampere, Finland), Socialisms in the Tsarist Borderlands. Poland and Finland in a Contrastive Comparison, 1830-1907

9:45 am – 10:30 am
Mohieddine Hadhri (U Tunis, Tunisia), La social-démocratie européenne face à l’expansion coloniale en Afrique du nord, 1881-1914

10:30 am – 10:45 am Coffee break

10:45 am – 11:30 am
Lucas Poy (U Buenos Aires, Argentina), Between gauchos and European migrants. The Socialist Party of Argentina in the years of the Second International, 1890-1914

11:30 am – 12:15 pm
Frank-Olivier Chauvin (U Rouen-Normandie, France), La Révolution bolchévique à Constantinople et les socialismes français. Réseaux, imaginaires et langage révolutionnaire

12:15 pm – 12:45 pm
Concluding discussion for the second panel
Matthias Middell (Leipzig U, Germany)