
Ute Wardenga (SFB 1199, IfL & Leipzig U), Maren Möhring (SFB 1199 & Leipzig U) & Gabriele Pisarz-Ramirez (SFB 1199 & Leipzig U)

Publication Date

July 2019


Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg






Dialektik des Globalen – Kernbegriffe, 5

Additional Information

Über dieses Buch

Das vormals als problematisch erachtete Vorstellungsvermögen erfuhr im 18. Jh. eine radikale Aufwertung. In der Moderne wurde Imagination zu einem essentiellen Moment von Prozessen der Planung, des Entwerfens und Organisierens der Welt. Die Fähigkeit, Dinge in Zeit und Raum kreativ miteinander in Beziehung zu setzen, wird seitdem als unerlässliche Kraft der Geschichte betrachtet.

Biographical Notes

Prof. Dr. Maren Möhring (SFB 1199 & Institute for the Study of Culture, Leipzig University, Germany)
Maren Möhring studied history and German literature in Hamburg and Dublin. She gained a PhD in history from the University Munich and a venia legendi in modern history from the University of Cologne. Her current research interests include the history of modern mass culture and the role of food and health in modern societies.

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Pisarz-Ramirez (SFB 1199 & Institute for American Studies, Leipzig University, Germany)
Gabriele Pisarz-Ramirez is a professor of American studies and minority studies at Leipzig University. Her research interests and fields of publication include inter-American Studies, race and ethnicity (especially Latino/a studies), transculturation, early American Studies, and nineteenth century popular literature.

Prof. Dr. Ute Wardenga (SFB 1199 & Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL), Leipzig University, Germany)
Ute Wardenga is an honorary professor of global studies at Leipzig University (Germany) and serves on the executive boards of the Centre for Area Studies and the Graduate School Global and Area Studies. Since 2012, she has been the deputy director of the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL) in Leipzig where she coordinates the research group “History and Geography”. Ute Wardenga’s current research interests focus on geography as a space-related practice in the process of globalization and in this regard leads the SFB project C1, which compares international histories of geographical societies since the early 19th century. Most recently, she has co-directed the research project entitled “Digital Atlas of Geopolitical Imaginaries of Eastern Central Europe”, which explored the impact of cartographic and mass media representations of space in Eastern Central Europe since 1989.