Electrospun nanofibers of a copolymer consisting of polyvinylalcohol that has been crosslinked with an inorganic polymer containing phosphorus, oxygen and nitrogen only.

Prof. Dr. Valentin Mirceski

University "Ss Cyril and Methodius", Skopje
R. Macedonia
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Institute of Chemistry

Tel: +38972226089
Fax: +38923226865

Electrochemistry; electrode mechanisms; theory of electrode processes; electrode kinetics; thin-film electrochemistry; nanoparticles electrochemistry; electrocatalysis.

• Multipotentiostat/galvanostat µAutolab model II (The Netherlands)
• Multipotentiostat/galvanostat µAutolab model III (The Netherlands)
• PalmSense potentiostat (Palm Instruments BV, Houten, The Netherlands)

• Access to all types of equipment of the university, in particular infrared and
   Raman spectroscopy, Atomic force microscopy, and Mass spectrometry coupled HPLC and GC.