
Accès aux sessions

Le séminaire se tiendra en ligne via Zoom. Il est nécessaire que tous les participants s’inscrirent d’abord par ce formulaire.

Matériels de lecture et enregistrements vidéo

Pour tous les participants des matériels de lecture non accessibles pour le public en raison des droits d’auteur sont disponibles sur la plateforme électronique Moodle. Vous pouvez y trouver également les enregistrements vidéo des conférences déjà données dans le cadre de ce séminaire.
Lors de votre inscription les informations d’accès seront communiquées.


    Pour les étudiant·e·s français·es:

    Le séminaire valide 6 ECTS.

    Assiduité aux séances et remise d’une synthèse écrite concernant une séance. Le volume horaire annuel du séminaire a été adapté pour tenir compte du format spécifique des séminaires en visio-conférence.

    For students and PhD-candidates enrolled in the MA “Global Studies”, the MA “European Studies”, the PhD-program “Global and Area Studies” as well as the Franco-German Graduate School, we offer access to this lecture series as part of a transnational seminar which includes seminar sessions with guest lectures on the one hand and seminar sessions with Q&A on the other hand. The seminar sessions with Q&A are organized in English by Antje Dietze, Eva Ommert and Ninja Steinbach-Hüther and are also offered online. They give an introduction to intercultural transfer research and invite participants to debate with the lecturers. As the basis for these discussions, we provide pre-recorded video lectures (in English, held by Matthias Middell) and selected readings (in English with additional facultative texts in French and German). This allows for a systematic overview of the complex relationship between intercultural transfer research, transnational history, and transregional studies.

    Overall, the transnational seminar program for the winter term 2024/25 contains 6 two-hours long seminar sessions with guest lectures (plus 1 optional session in the semester break), 4 pre-recorded video lectures (about 20 minutes each) and 4 one-hour long seminar sessions with Q+A. A list of selected readings allows participants to deepen their understanding of the topic and to prepare for their term papers. Within the MA programs mentioned above, the course serves as methodological training in preparation of the master’s thesis. Students are required to submit an essay which follows the general rules for essay writing at GESI. For participants from the Graduate School the requirement is a 10-12 pages long paper that relates the approach of intercultural transfers to the specific topic of their dissertation.

    Please register for this course via email to Dr. Ninja Steinbach-Hüther () by October 2, 2024. You will then get access to the sessions (via Zoom) and to the Moodle course with the teaching material. Please also note that we start already on October 4, 2024 to accommodate the French academic calendar in this binational seminar.