15.03.2024:  Scientific Module “Protein Expression and Purification for Structural Studies” by Sandra Berndt

Anett Albrecht/ March 1, 2024/ Events, Students

The Meiler lab is hosting a Max Kade Foundation sponsored short course on Friday, March 15, from 11:30am-1:30pm in the CSB conference room (5131 MRB3).

Leipzig University faculty member Sandra Berndt, PhD, who specializes in GPCR research, will discuss “Protein Expression and Purification for Structural Studies.”

The course will discuss the expression of proteins focusing on the E. coli expression system. Different vectors, promotors, E. coli strains and growing conditions will be discussed. Some topics for trouble shooting will be addressed, like codon usage, posttranslational modifications, and the formation of inclusion bodies. Furthermore, protein purification techniques will be presented. At the end, protein parameters will be summarized, which are important for setting up the protein of interest for crystallization trails or starting NMR experiments.

15. March 2024, 11:30am-1:30pm in the CSB conference room (5131 MRB3)

Students and doctoral researchers, postdocs, public, for interested parties