Apply for Max Kade Scholarship 2019
Unique Opportunities in Gaining Research Experience in Germany and USA
The Max Kade Foundation (MKF, supports an international research exchange between Vanderbilt and Leipzig Universities. Specifically, MKF provides funds of three undergraduate students from each university to conduct a 10 week summer internship at the respective partner university in 2019 (May – December). The Max Kade Foundation Scholarship Program is open for highly motivated and excellent foreign applicants with a BSc, MSc or equivalent degrees (obtained during the past year).
Internship offer in Leipzig for Undergraduate Students from Vanderbilt University
- Analysis of Ternary Complexes of G-Protein Coupled Receptors Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Prof. Dr. Hildebrand/Dr. Vogel (Institute of Biophysics)
- Structural and functional studies on GPCR ectodomains.
Prof. Dr. Sträter (research group: Structural analysis of biopolymers)
- Paragmatic solid-state NMR spectroscopy on NPY/Y receptor complex.
Dr. Schmidt/Prof. Dr. Huster (Institute of Biophysics)
- Investigation of allosteric modulation of the human Y4 receptor.
Prof. Dr. Beck-Sickinger(Institute of Biochemistry)
Internship offer in Nashville for Master Students from Leipzig University
- Investigating evolutionary and energetic constraints on membrane proteins through computational structural biology.
Prof. Dr. Meiler (Center for Structural Biology, Chemical Biology) - Rosetta homology modeling and docking of allosteric modulators to the Y4 receptor.
Prof. Dr. Meiler (Center for Structural Biology, Chemical Biology) - Arrestin interaction with SRC family kinases.
Prof. Dr. Gurevich (Department of Pharmacology)
The applicant is required to compile a single pdf document including the Application letter, a CV, an unofficial transcript of courses including the current GPA, a statement summarizing past research experience and the motivation to pursue research on this project.
Please submit your application materials as a single PDF until February 28 to Mrs Heather Darling (VU, ) and Mrs. Anett Albrecht (LU, ).
Three candidates from each university are selected by reviewing the application materials and conducting personal interviews.