Identification of new target GPCR at Vanderbilt University
by Antje Brüser (postdoc at Leipzig University): I had the possibility to join Vanderbilt University from March 26th – July 11th 2014 as a visiting scholar to initiate a new project between our group (headed by Prof. Torsten Schöneberg) and the group of Prof. Larry Marnett. We focus in our lab on orphan G-protein coupled receptors (oGPCR) and the Marnett lab is working on COX inhibitors. Since years they have been interested in products of the COX-2 pathway and the identification of receptors which they bind to. In our new cooperation we have the knowledge and expertise to search and functional analysis of oGPCR. During my stay at the Marnett lab I could realize experiment for testing some GPCR and was able to identify new GPCR for prostaglandin glycerol-esters. These results now build the basis for a hopefully long and interesting cooperation.
Next to the very interesting work in the lab I did not only met nice people, I also had the possibility to discover parts of the US like Washington, DC, Memphis and New Orleans. I was very happy to join the group of Jens Meiler to their retreat to the Smoky Mountains for a weekend. Additionally, I had great evenings at Larry´s and Jens´ house and with the guys from the Marnett Lab. But the most awesome experience was the terrific southern American cuisine in combination with the very gorgeous people in Nashville.