Science communication: Research presented in an entertaining way

Bringing science to the public and communicating research content and arguments in an appealing way is an important qualification for scientists.

Selina Hanisch, a doctoral student in the BioMat working group at b-ACTmatter, presented her research work to the public in an entertaining way at two events in autumn.

At the ‘Salon of Science’ on 6 November 2024 at the Chemnitz Industrial Museum, visitors received answers from researchers from various scientific fields to questions such as ‘When will we wear clothes made of CO2?’, ‘When will we travel completely emission-free?’ or ‘How can we achieve the energy transition?’. The event format focuses on personal dialogue.
Together with other experts from Aachen, Dresden, Freiberg and Ilmenau, Selina answered the questions of science-interested guests from the surrounding area in an ‘Ask the Scientist’ interview format. Parallel to the event, the travelling exhibition ‘Power2Change: Mission Energiewende’ was also open to visitors.

Every year, Leipzig University also offers scientists a platform where graduates can present their research work in a generally understandable and entertaining way. On 12 November 2024, the Graduate Academy Leipzig hosted a science slam to mark ‘Doctorate Day’. Here you could present your own research in 10 minutes in an entertaining way. Jack Pop, known from the Circus of Science, led through the evening with interactive experiments.
Selina took 2nd place in the Science Slam that evening with her presentation entitled ‘Bacterial co-housing: from survival to synergy’. Congratulations to her!

Selina Hanisch (left) at the Salon of Science in the Chemnitz Industrial Museum. Photo: Marcel Frank

New managing director at the b-ACT matter research and transfer centre

In November 2024, Franziska Ullm took over as Managing Director of the Research and Transfer Centre for Bioactive Matter b-ACT matter, succeeding Dr Susanne Ebitsch, who left Leipzig University in October to join the Center for the Transformation of Chemistry (CTC).
The biochemist from Saxony is not new to Leipzig University. She has already studied biology here and later completed a master’s degree in biochemistry with a specialisation in biomedicine.
After completing her studies, Franziska Ullm remained at Leipzig University for the time being: She worked at the Institute of Biochemistry as a research assistant and doctoral student until 2022, where she gained experience in coordinating research projects and supervising junior researchers.
For the past two years, she worked at the FILK Freiberg Institute gGmbH, a non-university Freiberg research institution with an accredited testing laboratory specialising in materials science and technology development.

We are delighted that Franziska Ullm has taken over the administrative management of the centre and would like to extend a warm welcome to her!

Franziska Ullm is the new Managing Director of the b-ACT matter research and transfer centre.

Circular economy in focus

As part of the #Circular_economy_in_focus! event, 18 representatives from Saxon research institutions presented their technologies for a sustainable circular economy. b-ACT^matter was there with the topics #DNA_Origami for novel biosensors, living hybrid systems / #photobioreactors for climate-neutral production of proteins for animal feed and polymers and enzymatic #plastic_recycling. The projects will be shown in schools as part of a poster exhibition “Circular economy in Saxony from the perspective of research and science” organised by the #Sächsische_Agentur_für_Strukturentwicklung together with the Saxon_State_Ministry_for_Regional_Development (SMR). In this way, we can hopefully get the next generation excited about technologies for a circular economy and give them a bit of courage that the challenges of climate change can be overcome.

Thank you very much for the good discussions and the new opportunities for cooperation!

Thomas Wendland, Niels Modler, Alexander Stahr, Robert Kupfer, Anja Blüher, Marco Zichner, Annika Eisenschmidt

To the article on LinkedIn: here

Ideas Competition “SCIENCE ON STAGE” – Clear the Stage for Science

With our vision of a “Living Transfer Center”, in which bioactive and biomimetic materials and technologies are developed towards application and, above all, the transfer is lived by the team, we took part in the final pitches of the “science on stage” ideas competition in the #WeissbuchForschungSachsen project. Inspiring impulses for the further development of Saxony as a research location. 18 project teams from #UniversitiesSN, BA Saxony and #ResearchSN participated. For more information, click here.

b-ACTmatter / Uni Leipzig Team ESTER awarded for best start-up idea at Leipzig Founders’ Night

Dr. Ronny Frank’s team has developed a method to accelerate the artificial evolution of plastic-degrading #enzymes to turn plastic waste into a raw material that prevents CO2 emissions and microplastics.

Dr. Ronny Frank and his team Dr. Dana Krinke, Ronny Atzendorf and Dr. Christian Sonnendecker at the award ceremony by Professor Utz Dornberger and the team of the SMILE start-up initiative.
Foto: Dr. Susanne Ebitsch

#LifeSciences, #Biotech, #Technology Transfer

The Leipzig Start-up Night is a networking and award event for the regional start-up scene and sees itself as an important forum for innovative business ideas, successful start-ups and the exchange of experiences between entrepreneurs in the city of Leipzig and the districts of Leipzig and North Saxony.

The Leipzig Start-up Night 2022 is organized by the partners SMILE – the start-up initiative at the University of Leipzig, Startbahn 13 – The start-up consulting at the HTWK Leipzig, the City of Leipzig, the Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Leipzig as well as the districts of Leipzig & Nordsachsen. Akwaba Travel GmbH, BeGreat GmbH, Råvare, Technologiegründerfonds Sachsen and S-Beteiligungen are sponsors of the Leipzig Start-up Night 2022.