aufbauACT: Establishment of an interfaculty center for bioactive matter at Leipzig University
Funding source
- Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
- Land Sachsen (STARK-Funding)
Principal Investigator (PI)
Prof. Dr. Tilo Pompe, Prof. Dr. Frank Cichos, Dr. Heinz-Georg Jahnke, Prof. Dr. Annette Beck-Sickinger
01.07.2021 − 30.06.2025
Construction and understanding of self-sustaining, structured phototrophic microbial communities in hydrogels and biofilms for biocatalytic applications
Funding source
- German Research Foundation (DFG)
Principal Investigator (PI)
Prof. Dr. Tilo Pompe, Dr. Ing. Rohan Karande
01.01.2022 − 31.12.2024
SoftKollP: the first portable biosensor for quantitative field monitoring of anthropogenic contaminants in the environment
Funding source
- EU-Eurostars
Principal Investigator (PI)
Prof. Dr. Tilo Pompe
- Hiss diagnostics GmbH
- Ectica Technologies AG
01.09.2022 − 31.08.2024
Anti-Stokes cooling for fluidics
Funding source
- German Research Foundation (NCN-DFG Cooperation)
Principal Investigator (PI)
Prof. Dr. Frank Cichos
01.11.2022 − 31.10.2025
DYNAMO: DYnamic control in hybrid plasmonic NAnopores: road to next generation multiplexed single MOlecule detection (MSCA Doctoral Network)
The network will include academic and high-tech industry partners that are experts in optical spectroscopy, DNA nanostructure, nanopore technology, and single molecule detection. The DYNAMO objective is to prepare the next generation of highly skilled researchers that will advance the science of single molecule detection and characterisation.
Funding source
EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions UniDyn
Principal Investigator (PI)
Prof. Ralf Seidel (Project leader), Prof. Dr. Frank Cichos
- Asociacion Centro de Unvestigacion en Nanociencias
- CNRS France
- Delft University of Technology
- University of Milan
- Humboldt University Berlin
01.05.2022 – 31.04.2026
bioMAT4EYE: Neoteric biomaterials for the monitored differentiation of hiPSCs to RGCs: production, microfabrication & microfluidics
Subproject 7: Development of an opto-bioelectronic microfluidic platform for label-free differentiation monitoring
Funding source
Principal Investigator (PI)
Dr. Heinz-Georg Jahnke
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Coordinator)
- Chitinor AS
- Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- University of Ljubljana
01.06.2022 – 31.05.2025
SaxoCell-Systems platform / SaxoCell future cluster
Funding source
- Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Principal Investigator (PI)
Prof. Dr. Tilo Pompe, Dr. Heinz-Georg Jahnke
- Fraunhofer IZI (Projektleitung)
- University of Leipzig Medical Center
- Leipzig University, SCaDS.AI
- Leipzig University, ICCAS
01.10.2021 – 30.09.2024
REPLACER: Recycling plastic and developing hybrid living materials by capturing greenhouse gases to produce value-added products
The innovative concept of REPLACER is to combine renewable living materials with porous recycled plastic to develop new sustainable technologies. We will grow synergistic microbial biofilm consortia in porous plastic scaffolds that sequester greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane and produce microbial proteins as a value-added product.
Funding source
Principal Investigator (PI)
Dr. Ing. Rohan Karande (Coordinator), Prof. Dr. Tilo Pompe, Prof. Dr. Frank Cichos, Prof. Dr. Oskar Hallatschek, Dr. Susanne Ebitsch
- qCoat GmbH Leipzig
- Holisun SRL Romania
- Leibniz Institute for Surface Modification (IOM)
- University of Latvia
Advisory board
- Puevit GmbH
- SMWA (Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology)
- University Leipzig, Equal Opportunities Unit
05.06.2023 – 31.05.2026
Hormone Rapid Test
Development of a rapid test for on-site analysis of drinking and surface water for endocrine disruptors such as natural and synthetic estrogens, BPA and parabens in the ng range using hydrogel particles of 10-50 µm
The aim of the project is to analyse endocrine disruptors in drinking water and surface water quickly and inexpensively on site. Existing measurement methods cannot be carried out on site, but only in the laboratory (e.g. ELISA, MS or HPLC) and are also cost-intensive and time-consuming. As part of the project, a mobile and highly sensitive rapid test for the determination of hormones and xenohormones (substances with hormone-like effects) in water is being developed. In the test procedure, a surface of hydrogel microparticles is modified with the analyte. A transparent chip surface is modified with a natural binding partner (e.g. estrogen sulfotransferase). The analyte molecules in the aqueous solution bind to the chip surface in a concentration-dependent and highly selective manner in competition with the modified hydrogel particles. Depending on the concentration of the analytes in the solution, the contact areas of the hydrogel particles on the chip surface vary in size. This enables a highly sensitive optical determination of the concentration of the analyte by reflection interference microscopy or digital holographic microscopy.
Funding source
Principal Investigator (PI)
Prof. Dr. Tilo Pompe
- GeoDATA GmbH
01.01.2023 − 31.12.2024
PHeaMO+EZ: Platform for high-throughput screening of electrochemically active microorganisms and enzymes for efficient and long-term stable biocatalysis
Funding source
- BMBF, KMU innovativ
Principal Investigator (PI)
Dr. Heinz-Georg Jahnke, Dr. Susanne Ebitsch
- Sciospec Scientific Instruments GmbH (Coordinator);
- Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ (Prof. Harnisch)
01.05.2023 − 30.04.2026
CardioEpiX: Stem cell-based in-vitro tool for differentiated precision diagnostics and therapy development for heart diseases
Funding source
- SAB/EFRE Joint project
Principal Investigator (PI)
Dr. Heinz-Georg Jahnke
- TUD – Dresden University of Technology (Prof. Guan, Coordinator)
- Sciospec Scientific Instruments GmbH
01.06.2023 − 31.05.2026
LigNylon: Electrochemical hydrogenation of lignin-derived mixtures of aromatic compounds for microbial synthesis of Nylon monomers
LigNylon will develop a cost-effective and sustainable process for biobased monomers for
Nylon, the most abundant synthetic textile. It will exploit renewable feedstock and electric
energy instead of fossil resources and develop a laboratory scale process designed to reach
technical scale.
Funding source
- Helmholtz transbig
Principal Investigator (PI)
Dr. Ing. Rohan Karande, Prof. Dr. Tilo Pompe
- Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ (Prof. Harnisch, Project leader)
- Domo Caproleuna GmbH
01.10.23 − 30.09.2025
Analysis and Prediction of Complex Microbial Community Functions in Hybrid Living
Funding source
- Seed Funding SCADS.AI
Principal Investigator (PI)
Prof. Dr. Frank Cichos
- Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (Dr. Nico Scherf)
01.10.2023 − 31.12.2024
3D-BRICKS: 3D Biofabricated high-perfoRmance dna-carbon nanotube dIgital electroniCKS
Funding source
- European Innovation Council (EIC)
Principal Investigator (PI)
Prof. Dr. Frank Cichos, Dr. Henri Franquelim/Prof. Dr. Ralf Seidel
- Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR, Coordinator)
- Hamburg University
- University of Antwerp
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
- Kerr S.R.L.
- Fundacio Catala Nanosciencia
- CNT Innovation
01.02.2023 − 30.04.2026
ViSuPar: Development and investigation of a highly sensitive, visual rapid test for sulfonamide antibiotics in environmental analysis based on soft hydrogel microparticles
The high input of antibiotics, such as sulphonamides, into the environment by the food industry and veterinary and human medicine leads to the accumulation and development of new microbial resistances. The rapid and inexpensive detection and continuous monitoring of antibiotics in aqueous environmental samples is of great importance in order to identify existing contamination, reduce inputs into the environment and develop new water treatment strategies. In this project, a hydrogel microparticle-based platform technology developed by the University of Leipzig and TU Dresden for the detection of low molecular weight analytes is to be developed into a highly sensitive, cost-effective on-site analysis method for the specific detection of sulphonamide antibiotics in aqueous environmental samples and investigated with regard to detection limits and robustness. This development, in collaboration with the companies HiSS Diagnostics GmbH and UV-EL GmbH, is intended to enable rapid and comprehensive monitoring of current antibiotic concentrations and to allow public and private organisations and companies a short and targeted response time.
Funding source
Principal Investigator (PI)
Prof. Dr. Tilo Pompe
- Hiss Diagnostics GmbH
- UV-EL GmbH & Co KG
- TUD Dresden University of Technology
01.04.2024 − 31.03.2026
LivMat: Productive catalytic living materials: combining 3D biobased fibrillar membranes with synthetic microbial consortia to produce chemicals
In nature, materials with unique renewable, recyclable, and biodegradable potential are built and evolved from natural resources to provide the most effective designs and systems. Such naturally evolved concepts and systems inspire and set the basis for the LivMat project to design catalytic living materials (cat-LMs) and overcome fundamental efficiency, robustness, and scalability issues associated with current state-of-art technologies.
Specific innovation objectives and results: The LivMat project aims to syndicate 3D biobased porous materials with synthetic microbial consortia to effectively capture natural and waste resources and develop cat-LMs to synthesize chemicals continuously. Utilizing a machine and deep learning-based platform for integrated data analysis and system optimization will grant predictive power and deliver actionable knowledge to achieve high-performance cat-LMs. As a result, the LivMat team will demonstrate and scale cat-LMs-based bioreactors up to TRL 5 for continuous production of biobased monomers (at least 100 g), such as adipic acid or ɛ-caprolactone, as model compounds. Thus, the LivMat project supports the transition towards the circular economy and the European Green Deal by developing material and energy-efficient cat-LMs-based bioreactor platforms beyond the current state-of-art technologies for chemical production. In the future, these cat-LMs bioreactors could be transferred to environmental or space biotechnological sectors.
Needs addressed: The LivMat project benefits from an interdisciplinary network to facilitate cat-LMs development and knowledge by exploiting 3D material design and creating functionalities using microbial consortia for chemical production. By creating excellent science and research for innovative cat-LMs applications, the LivMat project develops robust and efficient sustainable technologies for chemical synthesis, which is bound to strengthen interdisciplinarity and support the innovation chain.
Impact and potential benefits: The overall cat-LMs development and their applications for producing bio-monomers such as ɛ-caprolactone and adipic acid, including CO2 sequestering, will be subjected to life cycle assessment (LCA) in the context of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). This will enable us to estimate the environmental impacts and address socio-ecological benefits that support several global societal challenges (SDGs 2, 9, 12, and 13).
Funding source
Principal Investigator (PI)
Dr. Ing. Rohan Karande (Coordinator), Dr. Susanne Ebitsch (Project management), Prof. Dr. Tilo Pompe, Prof. Dr. Frank Cichos
- Solaga GmbH Leipzig / Berlin
- UFZ, Prof. Katja Bühler
- Istanbul Technical Univeristy
- Kaunas University of Technology
- University of Latvia
Associated partners
- WEARONICS Technology Ltd.
- Association of the Chemicals Industry (VCI)
- biosaxony e.V.
- iDiv Research Greenhouse
01.07.2024 – 30.06.2027
BIOWIN: AI-supported biotechnology for resource-efficient active ingredient and bio-nylon production
The main objective of the project is the development of innovative and sustainable technologies for the production of active ingredients and chemicals based on renewable resources. Today’s pharmaceutical and chemical industry is mainly based on energy-intensive petrochemicals and is therefore facing a fundamental shift towards the energy- and land-efficient utilisation of renewable resources. The dependence on fossil energy and rising energy prices are currently directly affecting our industry. BASF, for example, recently closed two energy-intensive ammonia plants at its Ludwigshafen site and announced the loss of 2,600 jobs. This project aims to develop resource- and energy-efficient bioprocesses with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) and in-silico modelling. This includes two product areas, the antifibrinolytic active ingredient ε-aminocaproic acid (ACA) and monomers as building blocks of bio-nylon.
The production strategies for both product classes are based on the same artificial metabolic pathways (in vivo cascades) developed at the UFZ and Leipzig University, which are to be further optimised and brought into suitable process setups. The development of the process setups is supported by or based on AI approaches.
Funding source
- SAB /JTF Joint project
Principal Investigator (PI)
Dr. Ing. Rohan Karande
- Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ (Prof. Bruno Bühler, Coordinator)
- Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (Dr. Nico Scherf)
01.04.2024 − 30.06.2026
SPP 2451: Engineered Living Materials with Adaptive Functions
Combining stimuli-responsive hydrogels and scaffold-supported microbial biofilms for a self-controlled catalytic activity of a microbial leaf
Funding source
- DFG SPP 2451
Principal Investigator (PI)
Prof. Dr. Tilo Pompe, Dr. Ing. Rohan Karande
- Leibniz Institute for Surface Modification (IOM), Dr. Agnes Schulze
01.04.2024 − 31.03.2027