Knowledge and Technology Transfer: Lost in Translation?

How can innovations get into practice faster? Dr. Susanne Ebitsch, Managing Director of the Research and Transfer Center for Bioactive Materials, bACTmatter at the University of Leipzig, shows how knowledge and technology transfer out of the university could be accelerated and improved.

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Eurostars project “SoftKollP: the first portable biosensor for quantitative field monitoring of anthropogenic contaminants in the environment”

Recently, our Eurostars project “SoftKollP: the first portable biosensor for quantitative field monitoring of anthropogenic contaminants in the environment” started. Together with our partners HiSS Diagnostics GmbH (lead, Freiburg and Leipzig) and ECTICA TECHNOLOGIES AG (Zurich), we aim at bringing to the market the SoftKollP technology, as the first highly…

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Creative Day – DNA Origami

It’s amazing what you can do with DNA origami! At the “Creative Day”, organized by the start-up initiative #SMILE and the #Research and Transfer Center for Bioactive Matter at Leipzig University, an interdisciplinary team used creativity techniques to develop inspiring product and business ideas. Our junior research group leader Dr….

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b-ACTmatter / Uni Leipzig Team ESTER awarded for best start-up idea at Leipzig Founders’ Night

Dr. Ronny Frank’s team has developed a method to accelerate the artificial evolution of plastic-degrading #enzymes to turn plastic waste into a raw material that prevents CO2 emissions and microplastics. #LifeSciences, #Biotech, #Technology Transfer The Leipzig Start-up Night is a networking and award event for the regional start-up scene and…

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