Circular economy in focus

As part of the #Circular_economy_in_focus! event, 18 representatives from Saxon research institutions presented their technologies for a sustainable circular economy. b-ACT^matter was there with the topics #DNA_Origami for novel biosensors, living hybrid systems / #photobioreactors for climate-neutral production of proteins for animal feed and polymers and enzymatic #plastic_recycling. The projects…

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“Cell Physics 2023” conference in Saarbrücken

Members from the b-ACTmatter Biomimetic Nanotechnology group (Dr. Henri G. Franquelim, Subhasini Singh and Rayehe Mamaghaniyeh) attended the international “Cell Physics 2023” conference in Saarbrücken, Germany between October 10 – 13, 2023; meeting co-organized by the German Society for Cell Biology (DGZ, DGZ Annual Meeting) and Collaborative Research Center, SFB…

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