Connections is a peer-reviewed e-journal in the field of area, transnational, transregional, and world and global histories, edited on behalf of ENIUGH by Matthias Middell and Katja Castryck-Naumann. Connections is a part of the Clio-online network, which acts as an information and communication platform. The editors are supported by the Steering Committee of ENIUGH in the peer-review process, which is based upon cooperation between research units across Europe. The editorial office is connected to the ENIUGH headquarters and is located at the Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe) at Leipzig University.
It was founded (under the name of history.transnational) in 2004 by French and German scholars from the Centre for Advanced Study at the University of Leipzig and from the ‘Transferts culturels’ research group at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Paris.
In 2016, its concept has changed insofar as now research articles will become a central feature of the journal additionally to the focus on book reviews and reports on academic events. More than 7000 subscribers indicate that the forum has become an effective instrument of communication within the multilingual European community of academics being interested in global connections.
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