The Sixth ENIUGH Congress was originally to take place in June 2020 in Turku, Finland, hosted and organized by Åbo Akademi University. By virtue of the global spread of Covid-19 at the beginning of 2020, the ENIUGH Steering and Organising Committees in Leipzig and Turku decided to postpone the congress for a year. Building on the experience of new format in which scientific exchange has taken place since the outbreak of the pandemic, the congress finally took place online from 15 June to 19 June 2021. The first four days covered the official panel program with online sessions and discussions. On the last day, June 19th, all the impressions from the congress days before were ventilated.
Under the theme “Minorities, Cultures of Integration and Patterns of Exclusion”, we sought to stimulate and discuss research on minorities and the processes of past and present minoritization as well as the resistance they engender from a global perspective. We aimed to analyse the various concepts of minority and minority positions as well as practices and narratives of inclusion, belonging, and exclusion with a focus on transnational and transregional constellations as well as comparative perspectives. Addressing the exposure to and challenge of historical and contemporary mechanisms and policies of marginalization and exclusion in their relation to past and present cultures of integration, we hoped to stimulate a reflection on the normative underpinnings of societies. With the Sixth ENIUGH Congress, we also continued to explore the relations, transfers, and entanglements between states, peoples, communities, and individuals, situated in or spanning different regions of the world in a comparative and a longue durée perspective. The common emphasis was again a commitment to transcending the confines of national and Eurocentric historiographies.
Download a PDF version of the complete conference programme here.