Career Advancement

Structural changes in terms of diversity, equal opportunity, and inclusion in academic life often need time.

While a Collaborative Research Centre like the SFB 1199 sets the pace for rising diversity across all status groups at the university level, slowly evolving structural changes need to be matched with measures that proactively build a research environment that

  • meets the needs of all members in an equal manner;
  • secures their personal wellbeing;
  • ensures that individual capabilities flourish; and
  • offers possibilities for support, exchange, and engagement for all.

That is why we not only support young researchers with a multitude of training opportunities both inside and outside the framework of the Integrated Research Training Group and graduate training contexts. We also actively seek to empower our researchers by connecting with institutionalized forms of support, by organizing mentorships, and by using programmes offered at Leipzig University’s Central Office for Equal Opportunities. In addition, the Postdoc Certificate Programme – a training programme for emerging scholars – is a joint project of the GSGAS, the Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO), and the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL), which supports emerging scholars from regional, historical, cultural, and social sciences in their further training. A set of measures and courses enhances teaching, publication, coaching and administrative skills alike. At the same time, interdisciplinary competency development and experience in cross-sectional fields such as internationalization, networking, and interdisciplinarity are acquired to support academic careers and professional activities outside the university. The acquisition of competencies comprises seven areas:

  1. National and international research cooperation
  2. Team and project management
  3. Scientific coordination and self-administration
  4. Academic teaching and supervision of students and PhD candidates
  5. Raising third-party funds and appropriate use of the raised funds
  6. Scientific quality management and good scientific practice
  7. Science communication and knowledge transfer

Participation in the training programme is possible for all those holding a PhD. The training period usually lasts three years.
For more information, please click here.

Additionally, support and coaching for careers outside research is provided on an individual basis. With the individual researcher, an active search for contacts, offers, and alternatives is conducted together.