Weekender Café. Remote Research - Archives and Field Research in Times of Pandemic

Dmitri van den Bersselaar & Ulf Engel (both SFB 1199 & Leipzig U)

Based on a survey among the mid-level faculty about the challenges researchers face under the current circumstances this discussion format helps tackle some of the most prominent issues and stir a debate between SFB-members.

You are thus very much welcome to the informal meetings on a couple of Friday evenings! Please note that this is just an offer for an informal and relaxed way to get to know each other’s experiences, attempts for solutions and unusual approaches to further one’s research activities and/or academic career; specifically during these times …

The meetings are hosted by Gabriele Pisarz-Ramirez. Contributions to this week’s event titled “Remote Research (Archives and Field Research in Times of Pandemic)” will come from Dmitri van den Bersselaar and Ulf Engel.