«О попытках стать историком Восточной Европы»: промежуточный итог с миграционными осложнениями.

Stefan Troebst (SFB 1199 & GWZO)

Publication Date

October 2021


Славянский мир в третьем тысячелетии






Славянский мир в третьем тысячелетии







Additional Information


Автобиографическое (и потому в известной степени субъективистское) эссе отвечает на вопрос, что мотивировало молодого человека не из Восточной Европы, родившегося в 1955 г. в Западной Германии, стать историком – специалистом по Восточной Европе. Ответом, с одной стороны, служат интерес к языкам (славянским) и политике (холодная война), в меньшей степени семейное происхождение, с другой – ряд случайных совпадений и, что немаловажно, возможности стажировок и стипендий. В первой части речь идет о биографии автора от гимназических лет в Баден-Вюртемберге до университетов и научно-исследовательских институтов в Тюбингене, Западном Берлине, Софии, Скопье и Блумингтоне (Индиана) с 1969 по 1981 г., включая сведения о первых скромных научных достижениях. Вторая часть будет посвящена профессиональной деятельности вплоть до выхода на пенсию в 2021 г.

This autobiographical (and therefore somewhat subjective) essay answers the question of what motivated a young man not from Eastern Europe, born in 1955 in West Germany, to become a historian specializing in Eastern Europe. The answer is, on the one hand, an interest in languages (Slavic) and politics (Cold War), to a lesser extent family background, and, on the other hand, a number of coincidences and, importantly, opportunities for internships and fellowships. The first part will deal with the author’s biography from his gymnasium years in Baden-Württemberg to universities and research institutes in Tübingen, West Berlin, Sofia, Skopje, and Bloomington, Indiana, from 1969 to 1981, including information on his first modest scientific achievements. The second part will focus on professional activities until his retirement in 2021.

Biographical Note

Stefan Troebst (SFB 1199 & GWZO, Germany)

Stefan Troebst studied history and Slavic studies from 1975 on in Tübingen (then West Germany) and at the Free University of (then West) Berlin, Sofia (Bulgaria), Leningrad (today St. Petersburg, then Soviet Union, today Russian Federation), Skopje (then Yugoslavia, today Macedonia), Bloomington, Indiana (USA). In 1984, he obtained a PhD degree in Russian and East European history and Slavic studies at the Free University of Berlin where he also completed his habilitation in 1995. After terms as assistant and associate professor at the Free University of Berlin, in 1992 he left academia and became a German member in the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) missions of long duration to former Yugoslavia and the former Soviet Union. In 1996, he was nominated founding director of the Danish-German European Centre for Minority Issues, and in 1999 a full professor at Leipzig University. His research focuses on the history of the subregions of Europe’s eastern half (Southeastern Europe, East-Central Europe, Northeastern Europe and Muscovy/Russia/Soviet Union), on the modern history of Europe, on the history of international relations and international public law, as well as on politics of history and cultures of remembrance in contemporary Europe.