The radical contribution of what's in between M and M

Sarah Ruth Sippel (SFB 1199, University of Münster)

Publication Date

November 2021








Dialogues in Human Geography



Additional Information


This article explores the nuanced dynamics between initial monetary investment (M) and the investment plus return (M′). Published in Dialogues in Human Geography, the article critically engages with the discourse on global land struggles, particularly in the context of ‘land grab’ literature. Sippel emphasizes the need for a more intricate understanding of the intersections between finance and farmland, challenging oversimplified narratives. The article aims to contribute to a radical reimagining of the implications of financial capitalism within the context of land transformations, urging for a deeper exploration of the processes and conditions that lead to the creation of ‘institutional landscapes.’

Biographical Note

Sarah Ruth Sippel (SFB 1199, University of Münster)

Dr. Sarah Ruth Sippel is an accomplished scholar specializing in critical agrarian and agri-food studies, investigating farmland investments, financialization of nature, and the intersection of finance, agri-food tech, and digital farming technologies. Her academic journey includes a Magister Artium in Middle Eastern Studies and Philosophy, a Ph.D. in Geography, and a Habilitation in Geography, all from Leipzig University.

With a regional focus on the Mediterranean, Australia, and the U.S. (California), Dr. Sippel´s work contributes to understanding global processes and spatialization in the complex dynamics of agrarian studies and agricultural transformations.