The Chinese Engineers Relational Database of project A06 (Kaske, Pelzer) is a database of engineers from the Chinese Republican period (1912–1949). The digital analysis of historical registers has led to a prosopographic catalogue of persons, educational institutions, and companies. The data can be put in relation to one another by researchers to answer individual research questions. Morever, Thorben Pelzer and his team provide a bi-montly export of the raw data through the repository Zenodo.
Pelzer, T., E. Kaske und H. Chen (Hg.) 2021. Chinese
Engineers Relational Database (CERD). Web-Interface: / cerd / .
Export der Rohdaten:
Pelzer, Thorben. (2023). Chinese Engineers Relational Database (CERD) Bi-monthly Export (1.7.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.

Julius Wilm (B01) and colleagues have developed an interactive web map for exploring the data collected from historical sources on the Homestead Act.
Wilm, J., R. K. Nelson und J. Madron 2022. “Land Acquisition
and Dispossession. Mapping the Homestead Act, 1863–
1912”. In v. E. Ayers und R. K. Nelson (Hg.) American
Panorama: An Atlas of United States History. Interaktive
Webkarte, online: / panorama /
homesteading / (09.03.2023)
Export of raw data: Wilm, Julius, 2023, “US Homestead Claim Statistics by Land Office, 1863-1912”,, GlobeData, V1.
Project C01 (Wardenga, Steinbach-Hüther, Hänsgen) collected and coded an extensive dataset based on the journals of geographical societies. Data are analysed (among others) with Digital Humanities methods. The project moreover exemplifies the many ways of data sharing and reuse. Several theses on BA and MA levels and one dissertation have already been written on the basis of analysing this data. The dataset will be preserved for the long term and is especially suited for further exploitation and reuse.