Exploring School Atlases: Applying Digital Tools for Visual Analysis and Data Management
Enock Seth Nyamador, Jana Moser & Philipp Meyer (all IfL Leipzig and SFB 1199)
Publication Date
November 2024
Leipziger Universitätsverlag
Working Paper
SFB Working Papers No 36
Additional Information
Digital tools and computer programming are useful in easing and improving the speed and repeatability of outputs in social sciences and humanities research. Data visualisation plays an important role in getting insights into (large) datasets, communicating results and sharing knowledge amongst researchers. There exist several tools and software for data collection and visualisation but they are not always designed to fit all situations. In this rather technical working paper, we present some possibilities and advantages of using computer programming within the scope of a research project: (1) analysing quantitative datasets through means of visualisations produced within our research by (de)coding school atlases, and (2) data management for large sets of source-data, especially optimisation and embedding of coherent metadata in atlas scans to prepare for archiving and reuse. Together, we have developed an effective and efficient technical workflow for the processing, visualisation and management of our research data.
Biographical Notes
Ennock Seth Nyamador (Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL), Leipzig, Germany & SFB 1199)
Enock Seth Nyamador studied Computer Science and Cartography. Since 2023 he is a researcher at IfL.
Jana Moser (Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL), Leipzig, Germany & SFB 1199)
Jana Moser is head of the department “Cartography and Visual Communication” and coordinator of the research area “Geovisualisations” at the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography.
Philipp Meyer (Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL), Leipzig, Germany & SFB 1199)
Philipp Meyer studied History and Comparative Literature as well as Journalism at Leipzig University and the University Avignon. Since 2018 he is a researcher at IfL and before that he worked there as a research assistant.