[by European Commission] FIDELIO stands for “Training network for research into bone Fragility In Diabetes in Europe towards a personaLised medIcine apprOach” and is coordinated by the professors Martina Rauner and Lorenz Hofbauer of the Bone Lab of the Medical Faculty of the TU Dresden.
FIDELIO will train 14 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) to tackle the challenges of diabetic bone disease.
FIDELIO will address different aspects of diabetic bone disease from the perspective of epidemiology, genetics, miRNAs, microbiome, bone biology, biomechanics and clinical research. It will utilise advanced imaging and computational approaches, diabetes mouse models and access to clinical cohorts and registry data to obtain a comprehensive overview of how diabetes increases fracture risk.
Each ESR will be enrolled in a PhD programme to study for a doctorate and will conduct her/his own individual research project. The 14 ESR projects will comprehensively unravel the genetic and environmental mechanisms that contribute to bone fragility in diabetes, identify predictors and clinical markers for patient stratification, decipher the underlying molecular mechanisms of bone fragility in diabetes, and establish potential interventions through a personalised medicine approach.
The FIDELIO training programme is designed to address a translational gap that is currently a bottle-neck to advancing Precision Medicine. Interdisciplinary training and implementation of innovative approaches are the key. The training programme and experience of different international research environments cuts across traditional data and life sciences silos. The emphasis on translational research will support new collaborations between academia, the (bio)technology and health sector.
To achieve this paradigm shift in research training, FIDELIO brings together international leaders including bone biologists, clinicians, epidemiologists, geneticists, engineers and entrepreneurs, from academia and industry. These experts are ideally positioned to develop the FIDELIO training programme and deliver a highly-trained workforce of next generation scientists, with the right mind-set, knowledge and skills, at the interface of Translational and Personalised Medicine.