Project Group Z: Services
All three research groups of projects will collaborate intimately to benefit from the complementary approaches to investigating structural dynamics. Structural information will be provided to projects, working on activation and signaling dynamics for a better understanding, whereas information from crosslinking, mutagenesis and signaling will support the analysis of the dynamics from structural information. Furthermore, a strong exchange between activation and signaling is crucial for a holistic model of receptor activation. In addition to the administrative and educational projects Z01 and Z02 we propose two core projects Z03 and Z04. Z03 will provide modified peptides or peptides in larger amounts to all projects that need the ligand for structural analysis, biological function and in vivo studies. Furthermore, Z03 will support receptor expression to facilitate structural analysis of receptors. Z04 combines all theoretical information and offers sequence comparison, molecular modeling and dynamics to the individual subprojects. Both service Z-projects will provide essential expertise to support the projects and increase the advancing of the projects.