International Cooperations

Vanderbilt – Leipzig University Partnership

undergraduate students
graduate students
faculty members
joint publications

International exchange is a normal mode of successful research in the 21st century. Over the last 15 years, very extensive scientific collaborations between Vanderbilt and Leipzig Universities have been established.

Key elements of this ongoing collaboration are scientific exchanges of students, postdocs, and Project Leaders for extended periods of time to conduct research, learn new methods, and teach scientific courses. So far, 63 teaching modules have been taught by Project Leaders at the respective partner university. We would like to emphasize that this exchange took place on all academic levels involving: so far 61 undergraduate students, 46 graduate students, 22 postdoctoral researchers, and 78 Project Leaders toke part in this exchange program, and has resulted in 90 corporative scientific papers.

Mercator Fellow 

Vsevolod V. Gurevich, PhD

Cornelius Vanderbilt Endowed Chair, Professor, Pharmacology; Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
18 Preston Research Building,
2200 Pierce Avenue
Nashville, TN 37232


Hassane S. Mchaourab, PhD

Professor, Louis B. McGavock Chair, Molecular Physiology and Biophysics

Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Molecular Physiology and Biophysics
741 Light Hall, 2215 Garland Avenue
Nashville, TN 37232


Scientific Exchange Program

A - LabRotation for Graduate Students of the SFB1423

The graduate students in the CRC are require to undergo a 3 to 6-month lab rotation in a group of the partner university on either side of the Atlantic. Application:

  1. Find suitable lab among the labs within the CRC or from the Vanderbilt University.
  2. Create a short description of the project, include your CV and an invitation letter from receiving lab.
  3. Send your Proposal to the coordinator Juliane Adler ()
  4. The decision on the proposal is made by the board.

B - Student and Faculty Exchange Program of the Max-Kade Foundation (2017 - 2028)

The Max Kade Foundation (MKF, supports an international research exchange between Vanderbilt and Leipzig Universities. Specifically, MKF provides funds for undergraduate students from each university to conduct a 10 week summer internship at the respective partner university (May – December). The Max Kade Foundation Scholarship Program is open for highly motivated and excellent foreign applicants with a BSc, MSc or equivalent degrees (obtained during the past year). Further, MKF provides funds for a faculty exchange for Professors and Postdocs to conduct research, lectures or seminars at the partner university. 

Offering Research Internship

This is a call for collaborative projects between Vanderbilt and Leipzig University in 2025 to Phd Students, PostDocs and Project leaders.

Undergraduate students, master students (LU), junior graduate students (LU/VU) may travel from/to Leipzig/Vanderbilt. The MKF Program take care of administration and travel/accommodation costs and if necessary a weekly stipend. We encourage collaborative projects, that use a technology not present on the other campus, to send your student over to learn a new technology and collect some cool research knowlege with it. We ask you to identify a mentor in your lab, who would like to mentor a young junior scientist from Vanderbilt or Leipzig next year. 

Please submit your project description to Carie Fortenberry () and Anett Albrecht ().

Max-Kade Foundation Scholarship

Internship offer in Nashville for Master and doctoral Students from Leipzig University 

  • coming soon 

Internship offer in Leipzig for Undergraduate Students from Vanderbilt University 

  • coming soon 

The applicant is required to compile a single pdf document including the Application letter, a CV, an unofficial transcript of courses including the current GPA, a statement summarizing past research experience and the motivation to pursue research on this project.

The exchange will be administrated by Carie Fortenberry (VU, ) and Anett Albrecht (LU, ) including organization of housing and VISA. Please submit your documents to both e-mail addresses.