Equality and Diversity WORKSHOPS:
Equal opportunities and diversity in research collaborations

Mentoring & Workshops

PROGRAM (2024 – 2025)

The HYP*MOL (TRR386), (AC)³ (TRR172), ¹²³H (RTG 2721), FOR2857 and the SFB1423 pool their resources and organize a online workshop series to advance the common goal of sustainably promoting equal opportunities and diversity in research collaborations. Various workshops and a training programs on equality topics will complement the opening lectures on the personal career path of a female scientist in one of our research networks. Take the opportunity to get to know five excellent female scientists with different career paths and learn about their stages, motivations and obstacles in higher education.

The online talks and workshops are free of charge, in English language and open to all interested persons, scientists, students and friends. Please register via the online registration form. An email will be send with the link to join shortly before the event. If you have questions please contact your network coordinator or write a message to .


13:30 – 14:30
Woman in Science – Professional Career Insight:
Prof. Dr. Georgeta Salvan (TU Chemnitz, Semiconductor Physics)

14:30 – 16:00
Building Bridges: Cross-Cultural Communication Dr. phil. Stephanie Rohac (Communication and organisational psychologist)

In today’s interconnected world, understanding culture and cultural differences is essential for effective communication. Culture encompasses the shared values, beliefs, norms, and practices of a group of people. It significantly influences how individuals interpret and interact with the world around them. Recognizing the impact of culture on daily communication processes is crucial for fostering meaningful interactions.

13:30 – 14:30
Woman in Science – Professional Career Insight:
Prof. Dr. Marlene Kretzschmer (Leipzig University, Meterology)

14:30 – 16:00
Gender Bias: How to act!
Melanie Bittner (Consultant for gender, diversity and antidiscrimination)

In 2053, 50% of professorships be held by women if gender equality in higher education progresses as it has in recent years. This workshop will give you an overview of the most important measures for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) at universities. You will practice recognizing and questioning common stereotypes and discuss strategies to fight gender biases.

13:30 – 14:30
Woman in Science – Professional Career Insight:
PD Dr. Agnieszka Beata Kuc (HZDR, Theoretical Chemistry)

14:30 – 16:00
Plan B in Science!
Kathrin Vallund (Consultant for organizational and leadership development)

This workshop will help you to understand yourself and your career ambitions better: What is the right place for you and what do you need to perform at your best while being happy? You will learn about your personality type and the impact it has in relation to your next career steps. There will be room for exchange between the participants.

13:30 – 14:30
Woman in Science – Professional Career Insight:
Prof. Dr. Claudia Schnohr (Leipzig University, Solid State Physics)

15:00 – 17:00 
Leadership: Principle of Arrogance for female scientists (Part 1)
Dr. med. Karin Greiner-Simank (Consultant of female leadership)

In these seminars, women in management positions in all sectors can learn to understand that there are two fundamentally different communication systems in power games and turf wars: a vertical, more male-dominated system and a horizontal, more female-dominated system.

13:30 – 14:30
Woman in Science – Professional Career Insight:
Dr. Anette Kaiser (Leipzig University, Medical Faculty)

15:00 – 17:00 
Leadership: Principle of Arrogance for female scientists (Part 2)
Dr. med. Karin Greiner-Simank (Consultant of female leadership)

The second part of these seminars will build on the participants‘ experiences and show concrete ways to gain more respect and recognition from male superiors, colleagues, customers and employees. A few tools from the Toolbox „Arrogance principle“ according to Dr Peter Modler will be explained.