The SFB1423 awards three prizes for outstanding scientific and creative poster presentations of its doctoral students. Each of the three Poster Awards is endowed with a monetary value of 1.000 EUR as a travel grant for conferences or research stays. The prizes will be awarded at the retreats.
Three Poster Awards for Scientific Novelty and Creative Design.
Each presenting PhD-student of the winning posters will be awarded,
due a public voting during the retreats.
December 2024
Scientific Novelty & Creative Design
Robin Schick (A06) Modulating factors and kinetics of GAIN cleavage
Luisa Buhl & Lisa Kupsch (B05) Characterization of GPR133/ADGRD1 mediated signaling
Pauline Löffler (C08) Towards monitoring conformational dynamics of GPCRs on single-molecule level
December 2023
Scientific Novelty & Creative Design
Franziska Wiechert (A05) Structures of adhesion GPCR by cryo-electron microscopy
Pauline Löffler (C08) Mechanisms of receptor localization and localized signaling
Hannes Junker & Emelyne Pacull (A02) Investigation and Targeting of Ghrelin/GHS Receptor Complex Dynamic States
Jeannette Laugwitz (A03) The Role of Conformational Dynamics for Y Receptor Activation
Victoria Most & Fabian Liessmann (A07) Innovative algorithms for modeling and docking of GPCRs
Wilbert Post (C04) The neglected receptor N terminus – signal filter, signal integration, trans-signaling of adhesion GPCR
April 2022
Scientific Novelty & Creative Design
Maik Pankonin (C01) Dynamics of Arrestin Interaction with a G Protein-Coupled Receptor
Anne-Kristin Dahse (B06) A transgenic system to monitor the separation of Latrophilin NTF-CTF heterodimers in Drosophila
Victoria Behr, Corinna Schüß, Hanna Lentschat (B01) Investigating the Neuropeptide Y4 Receptor
David Speck, Nicolas Heyder (A01) Cryo-EM investigation of GPCRs in agonistic and antagonistic states
Matthias Voitel (A04) Insights into the dynamics of human neuropeptide Y type 1 and type 4 receptors: a solid-state NMR perspective
Victoria Most (A07) Connecting disease mutations to structure – modeling a mutation in Rhodopsin
September 2021
Scientific Novelty
Franziska Reinhardt (C01) Studying GPCR Sequences with Computational Method
Florian Seufert (C01) QM/MM Investigation of the GPS-cleavage mechanism
Lisa Martin (C05) Modulation of GPCR signaling by POPDC proteins, a novel class of cAMP effectors
Chiara De Faveri, Romy Thomas (C05) Allosteric coupling in GPCRs
Creative Design
Florian Seufert (C01) QM/MM Investigation of the GPS-cleavage mechanism
Chiara De Faveri, Romy Thomas (C05) Allosteric coupling in GPCRs
April 2021
Scientific Novelty
Nicolas Heyder, David Speck (A01) Structures of active agonist bound Melanocortin-4 receptor- Gs complexes
Amal Hassan, Michal Szczepek (A05) Towards the 3D-structure of adhesion GPCR
Fabian Liessmann (A07) Ultra-Large Library Screening Based on the First Full-Length Homology Model of ADGRG5
Corinna Schüss, Victoria Behr (B01) Binding Sites of Y4 Receptor Selective Ligands
Marc Bathe-Peters, Philipp Gmach (C03) Visualization of β-adrenergic receptors dynamics and differential localization in cardiomyocytes
Creative Design
Nicolas Heyder, David Speck (A01) Structures of active agonist bound Melanocortin-4 receptor- Gs complexes
Amal Hassan, Michal Szczepek (A05) Towards the 3D-structure of adhesion GPCR
Corinna Schüss, Victoria Behr (B01) Binding Sites of Y4 Receptor Selective Ligands