Structure of the SFB1423

SFB1423 was founded in 2020 and is currently in its sencond funding period. In the SFB1423, a total of 22 projects are being researched, divided into four areas A, B, C and Z. In addition, there are two central areas of responsibility dedicated to the administration/coordination (Z01) and promotion of young researchers of SFB1423 (Z02 – IRTG). All relevant decisions are initially made by the Executive Board, which consists of six members. The Board Meetings take place regularly once every six months. In addition, there is a Meeting of the DFG Project Leaders and the General Meeting twice a year at which all members of SFB1423 are present. Further, we install a Scientific Advisory Board in order to discuss scientific questions, receives advice on continuation of projects, topics and scientific questions.

Executive Board of the SFB1423

Annette Beck-Sickinger
Coordinator / Spokesperson

Torsten Schöneberg
Vice Spokesperson​

Martin Lohse
Project Leader

Patrick Scheerer
Project Leader

Irene Coin
Project Leader / IRTG

Luisa Buhl
Doctoral Representative

Scientific Advisory Board of the SFB1423

Ad Ijzerman
Pharmacochemistry, University Leiden

Michael Freissmuth
Pharmacology, Medical University Wien

Jana Selent
Biomedical Informatics,
Pompeu Fabra University



Coordination of the SFB1423

Susan Helmert
Administrative Coordinator

Anett Albrecht
Scientific Coordinator

Juliane Adler
Coordinator IRTG