New joint publication of  A04
Prof. Dr. Annette Beck-Sickinger Prof. Dr. Annette Beck-Sickinger, Foto: Christian Hüller

New joint publication of A04

Clustering of receptors can have the same effect as binding a signalling moleculeCell Biology: Signal Transduction Without Signal[Press release 2021/042 from 26/02/2021; author: Markus Bernards / Susann Huster]Whether we smell, taste or see, or when adrenaline rushes through our veins, all of these signals are…

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GENDER-WORKSHOPS 2021: Equal opportunities in research collaborations

The SFB1423, the TRR67 and the SFB1052 pool gender equality measures, ideas and offers, in order to sustainably establish the common goal of promoting equal opportunities in research networks. The pooling strategy enables the organization of gender equality activities, which are directly oriented towards the needs…

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