Leipzig Research Festival: Poster Awards for Ibtisam Siad and Florian Flemming

Du betrachtest gerade Leipzig Research Festival: Poster Awards for Ibtisam Siad and Florian Flemming

On January 30, 2025, the 18th Research Festival for Life Sciences took place at Leipzig University. Every year, the event provides a platform for young scientists from the fields of medicine and life sciences to present their research to an expert audience. This year, 190 abstracts were submitted and presented. 

This year two Poster Awards goes to the SFB1423 doctoral students:

Ibtisam Siad (B03) 
Exploring new molecular targets to improve neuronal survival during stroke in a SH-SY5Y model (category: Life Science Research)

Florian Flemming (C06)
BRET-based detection of succinate (category: Molecular Biology / Biomedicine)


!!!!! Congratulation !!!!!

Link to the event: https://conference.uni-leipzig.de/researchfestival/preistraegerinnen/