Meeting of the SFB1423 Project Leader and Members: Poster Awards

Du betrachtest gerade Meeting of the SFB1423 Project Leader and Members: Poster Awards

From May 11 – 13, 2022 the Project Leader and Members of the SFB1423 meets at the Hotel Kloster Nimbschen (Grimma).

The program was fullfilled with short 10min Presentations of all subprojects,  Poster sessions, Task Force Meetings and Special Guest Talks. Furthermore, the Board Meeting, the Project Leader Meeting and the Doctoral Meeting took place.

The main focus of the Retreat was on knowledge transfer among the subprojects. Doctoral students, Postdocs and Project Leaders held detailed discussions during the presentations and on the posters. There was also an intensive exchange of ideas and progress on the task forces. The Retreats are held twice a year and serve to network and intensify the research collaboration.

The SFB1423 awards six prizes for outstanding scientific and creative poster presentations of its doctoral students. Each of the six Poster Awards is endowed with a monetary value of 100 EUR. The prizes were awarded at the retreat and goes to:

C01 – Maik Pankonin
Dynamics of Arrestin Interaction with a G Protein-Coupled Receptor

B06 – Anne-Kristin Dahse
A transgenic system to monitor the separation of Latrophilin NTF-CTF heterodimers in Drosophila

B01 – Victoria Behr , Corinna Schüß, Hanna Lentschat
Investigating the Neuropeptide Y4 Receptor

A01 – David Speck, Nicolas Heyder
Cryo-EM investigation of GPCRs in agonistic and antagonistic states

A04 – Matthias Voitel
Insights into the dynamics of human neuropeptide Y type 1 and type 4 receptors: a solid-state NMR perspective

A07 – Victoria Most
Connecting disease mutations to structure – modeling a mutation in Rhodopsin

We would like to thank all presenters for their scientific contribution and for your participiation to this event. We look forward to seeing you all again to our next Retreat or at the 4GPCRnet Symposium in Leipzig.