Women, Family and Career in Science I Panel Discussion

Du betrachtest gerade Women, Family and Career in Science I Panel Discussion

SFB1052, SFB1199 and SFB1423 are organizing a panel discussion on “Women, Family and Career in Science” on 20.06.22 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at STUK Leipzig (Nürnbergerstraße), followed by a networking meeting.

For the panel discussion, we have invited female professors and young scientists who will briefly talk about their personal career paths and present their most important decisions and turning points. Afterwards, there will be the opportunity to network with each other at a “market of opportunities” during a lunchtime snack. The event is supported by the Research Academy Leipzig and the Equal Opportunities Office of the Leipzig University.

We will gladly accept your registration via the online registration form or by email to sfb1423@uni-leipzig.de. The panel discussion is in German.

Here you can find some impressions of the event. In total over 45 people participated. Thank you all for your contribution and participation.