Winter School of the Graduate School Structural Dynamics of GPCR Activation and Signaling

Du betrachtest gerade Winter School of the Graduate School Structural Dynamics of GPCR Activation and Signaling

Twice a year, the Graduate School of the SFB1423 organizes a doctoral meeting  that acts as a forum to present and openly discuss thesis progress.

The 2022 Winter School of the SFB1423 Graduate School took place in March 14-17, 2022 in Naunhof near Leipzig. The PhD students of the SFB1423 got together and presented their own research work. By them, the students gave talks for different scenarios: Public talk, Lecture, Group Seminar and Conference. This gave everyone the chance to deal with their respective topic in a completely new way. 

The program includes also non-research topics. Sören Schuster, the invited external guest gave an overview about his career pathway outside of academia. Additionally all participants attended an online Research Data Management Workshop organized by Pia Viogt (Department of Research Data Management at Leipzig University) during the time of the school. 

 If you would like to read more about the Graduate School, please click here >>